July 19, 2008

Oh my.. Our little Addyson

Addyson, our spunky 5 year old going on 21 year old, had me laughing most of the day. To give you a little back ground... last week when Tyler went down to the front of church during the invitation after being saved on Wednesday, Addyson had a fit. A HUGE fit at the front of the church while everyone was congratulating Tyler. She wanted to know why everyone was telling Tyler they were proud of HIM and not HER. She pouted, kicked amd I came extremely close to leaving Tyler's side to take her out of church to spank her. I didn't, and kept my cool until we got home at least! After sitting on her bed for a VERY long while and getting a spanking she decided she was proud of Tyler too and she even moved his picture on the refrigerator to the top and put her's on the bottom. (Her way of being proud) Today she told me that tomorrow, after Tyler gets BABAITIZED, she wants to get BABAITIZED too. The way she said it had us rolling!!

I was sewing today in my sewing room, aka dining room, and Addyson looked out the windows and saw that all the baby birds were gone out of the nest. I told her that they grew up and flew away. These are horrible birds (swallows) and everytime we knock down their nest, they have expertly rebuilt it and layed eggs before we even realize it. Well today Addyson informed me that there was a new mommy bird in the nest and she was going to POOP out some more eggs. I tried to tell her that birds do not POOP out eggs, but she was pretty insistant that they do. I was not in the mood to discuss bird reproduction, so I let it go!

Later in the day while I was fixing Cheesecake for after lunch tomorrow, Addyson was helping. She rarely gets to really help in the kitchen since the boys are at a great age to help and love it (most of the time). I was reading the instructions for the cheesecake and realized that I only had one pkg of cream cheese and the recipe called for two. Todd volunteered to go to the store and get another one and Addyson told us that he didn't need to go, we just needed to cut the one we had into TWO! I tried to tell her that it wouldn't be the same but she reassured me that it would. We didn't argue and Todd went to the store for another package of cream cheese!

The cheerleading uniform that Addyson is wearing I bought from the high school cheerleaders a few weeks ago! They were selling old uniforms and I altered it to fit Addyson. It was a size 7 so I took seams apart and cut a bit off, but I am so excited that it turned out so well!


Anonymous said...

Aren't kids just fantastic?! Good for a laugh on days you need it most... well, and apparently on some days you also don't - poor Tyler!

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor said...

Hilarious...especially the part about the birds! If you wash that area down with ammonia after knocking the nest, that sometimes prevents them from returning. I heard that recently from some friends with the same problem!
Cute cheerleader outfit!