December 21, 2008

Wedding at Christmas time

Last night Addyson was a flower girl in a good friend of ours wedding. She babysat all the kids for a few years evey summer. The kids just loved Brandi as their babysitter! They played non stop all day! The wedding was beautiful and the bride was even more beautiful! It was a super evening. Here are a few pictures:

Addyson and Brandi at the reception
Addyson watched Brandi the whole wedding. She was mesmerized the entire time.

The three little girls walking down the isle.

Addyson practicing with tossing the flowers.

Posing for a picture!

Addyson really hit it off with the other little girl. They became instant friends.
It took alot to get this picture! This is one little girl on the GO!!

Giggleing little girls, Relaxing now because it is over!

One more thing, while waiting to take pictures I told Addyson to smile pretty and she looked at me and said, "I am a little nervous!" It was pretty cute!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful flower girl and adorable dresses! Memaw

Jenn said...

I can not believe you made Addyson's dress!! Just gorgeous! That dress would be a fortune in a boutique. You are so talented!! What a lucky girl she is to have a mama who can make her such pretty clothes. The other dresses you made are beautiful too. How did you have time to make all those?