November 14, 2008

Surgery is Over!

Addyson had surgery today, and I am glad it is over. She had tubes placed in her ears this time last year and Dr. Potocki said it was like jello in her ears. She failed her hearing screening at school in October so I called Potocki again. She failed worse this time than she did last year, so we scheduled surgery again. There are so many times that I feel people think Addyson is ignoring them when they talk to her, but the truth is that she can't hear them. Driving to Lubbock this morning bright and early, our Pastor called and talked to Addyson on my cell phone. She could not hear him and did not talk to him. On the way home, she talked to my MIL and she carried on a conversation for 30 minutes! It was so nice to know that she can finally hear!
Addyson did not wake up from the anesthesia well and cried for 45 minutes. We went to Krispy Kreme and got donuts and she was still crying. On the way to my mom's we passed Toys R Us and she wanted to go look. She finally quit crying as we entered the store and was PERFECT the rest of the day. We even went to Chucky Cheese for supper. She told me we were having a "Girl Day" I am glad today is over!

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