I have been looking forward to this post all week. This week I am going to blog about my boys. They were born 11 weeks early weighing only 2lb 8oz and 2lb 10oz. They were our miracle babies from the start. After a rough beginning they came home from the hospital still incredibly tiny. Kamron weighed 3lb 8oz and Tyler weighed 4lb 1 oz. Most of my pictures from their early days are not on the computer, but I do have a few scanned:
I am sad to say that this picture was me walking to the C-section room to deliver the boys. I had to hold my gown in to even tell I was pregnant. Sad, I know!
This is our first "family" picture.
Their arms were so tiny that Todd's wedding band went up to their shoulders.
The picture with Todd's hand and one of the boys is my absolute favorite picture.
Emily C, this picture is for you!! We loved them in thier little "preemie" gap outfits. I wanted to use this picture for their birth announcement, but didn't. We played dress up in the unit one day!
As I finish my first flashback post of the boys first few months, this last picture was their first professional picture. They were 3 months old and we momentarily unhooked all of their equiptment for this precious picture!