July 12, 2009

Having a BLAST!

Well, I had good intentions of updating my blog daily...isn't going to happen. We are on running on adrenaline and loving it. I am posting this from my phone and promise to have tons of great stories and photos soon. Right now, sleep is more important! LOL. I can't wait to share our vacation with you. it will bw soon I promise!


Unknown said...

Yea, good intentions.....Hope you are all having a blast. Love you.

Anonymous said...

We hope you are having a blast!! Jessie misses Addyson very much! Can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about the trip.


The Young Life said...

ok, you are forgiven!!! I am just trying to liveout my dreams through yall though of going to Disney! hope yall are having a blast!!